Friday 24 June 2011

Highland Student Q&A for New Students

Vanier Student Q&A

How long are the breaks?
5 minutes

How do we get a locker?
You get assigned them in the beginning of the year from your AG.

Where do you find new friends?
I don’t know, just in the hallways and meeting people in class, stuff like that.

Did you get to pick your subjects?
Yeah, I got most of the subjects that I wanted.

Do people make fun of you in Band?

Do you get a lot of help in school?
Yes, in the Aboriginal Room.

If you don’t get something or understand what you have read are there people who can help you?
Yes, there are people who can scribe for you or read for you …help a lot.

Is it busy when you are going from one class to another?
Yes, it is extremely busy which is why you have to know the shortcuts and weave through ……

Are teachers nice?
Yes, unless you are on their bad side.

Is it easy to make the sports teams?
Yeah, I am assuming it would be.

Do the teachers give a lot of homework?
They usually don’t give homework, the only reason they give homework is if you didn’t get it done in class.

Did it take you a long time to find your way around the school?
The wings are confusing, I don’t know the wings but I know my way around the school, its pretty easy.

Does everybody get a locker?

What is it like on the first day?
Very hectic. Yeah, its hectic.

What is the scariest thing in high school?
Not making friends, that would probably be ……

What is the gym like?
Huge, really huge.