Friday 24 June 2011

Vanier Student: 3 Things ......

3 things you were worried about on the first day?

On my first day, the major things I was worried about was if my friends would stay my friends, which apparently they didn’t until a couple of my friends came to school.

I was worried about bullies but I ended up not having to worry about that.

And a third one would probably be if the teachers were mean or nice or whatever.

3 things you shouldn’t have worried about?
Homework, teachers and friends.

3 things you know now, that you wish you’d known on your first day.

Don’t really (you shouldn’t really) care about what other people think, be yourself and have fun.

3 things you can do at high school that you couldn’t do at your old school.

Skip class, have a good conversation with a teacher during a lesson, I did that a lot. Um, I can’t really think of a third thing. Sorry, I apologize.

3 social skills that are most important for getting along with other people in high school.

Communication skills, being friendly and being different. Just being out there.

3 things it is important to know the location of in high school?

Classes, vending machines and the cafeteria.

3 things to do if you want to make your teachers happy?

Show up to class, have good conversations with them, and just be yourself cause they just want you to pass along with everyone else.

3 things to do if you want to stay out of trouble?

Don’t get into fights, don’t lip off your teachers and don’t text in class, if the teachers say not to text in class.

3 ways to make new friends in high school.

Be friendly, don’t care what other people think and be nice.